In “Misthaven,” named after the enchanted forest, Amy Kanka
Valadarsky writes her own sequel to well-loved childhood stories by creating
a magical world in which she explores the dark and light of growing up and
experiencing the world on her term. The images in the “Misthaven”
series reveal the complexity of memory, history and simply being human.
"Many years ago, when I still had two long braids tied with huge white bows, I fell in love with stories.Especially the stories which transported me to magical places where wild swans turned into princes, dark forests hid marble castles, and ancient columns were spotted by moonlight floating above the waves of stormy seas.
With this project, "Misthaven", named after the enchanted forest in the TV series "Once upon a time", I change my role from reader to writer. Rather than being an observer in worlds created by others, I dare write my own story with lenses and light. There is still magic, but this time, I am the magician."
See more of Amy's work here