Thursday, February 18, 2016

Rohina Hoffman on "Mothers and Daughters"

Rohina Hoffman’s photographic series: MOTHERS+DAUGHTERS explores the complicated, nuanced relationship between her subjects at a critical time in their lives as the girls enter their teenage years. It is a collective voice for how mothers and daughters grow together and apart.

"My daughter Maya is the inspiration behind this project.  When she was little she would play in my closet and try on my high heels. I told her that she could borrow a pair for her 6th grade graduation.  When the graduation came, her feet were two sizes bigger than mine and I knew that the connection through wardrobe was simply a happy memory. That moment had passed.
It was then that I started photographing Maya, her friends, and their mothers, and have continued to explore those relationships over the years, now focusing on the mother/daughter connection in particular."

See more of Rohina Hoffman's work here

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